Sample Book
(Sri Vraja Riti Cintamani)
The Cintamani Jewel of Vraja a transcendental tour to the spiritual Vrindavana.
Text One: Let me glorify Vrajabhumi, the place where Sri Krishna enjoys transcendental pastimes. Simply by drinking with their ears the nectarean descriptions of Vrajabhumi, the liberated souls abandon the bliss
of impersonal Brahman and yearn to attain the land of Vraja.
Vrindavana is described here much different of the Vrindavana we will see with our external senses.
We may not be able to perceive the spiritual world with our present senses but we can take a tour in our mind and heart while relishing the contents of this nectarean book.
Translated by Kusakratha Dasa, edited by Purnaprajna Dasa.
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